Mbudzi kukwira mufuta, kufana rudzi.


mufuta: Shrub which is grown for the oil-rich seeds and as a hedge. Jatropha.


A goat climbs (over) the mufuta (hedge) just like all goats do.


While goats are browsers, the mufuta is inedible to animals. Goats will not feed on it. Jatropha cuttings are planted as a hedge to delimit and protect fields from wandering animals.


The habits and behavior of children very often reflect those of their parents.

Similar Proverbs

1. Chitiyo kupinda muzai, kuona mai.

2. Gavi rakabva kumasvuuriro.

3. Hufana nyina, gunguo rakatodza tateguru.

4. Mbudzi kudya mufenje, hufana nyina.

5. Mhembwe rudzi, inozvara mwana ane kazhumu.

6. Mugarire wekondo, kudzudzura dumba namatope.