This post was last updated on 12 January 2025.
Adverbs are words that modify or describe words such as verbs, adjectives, clauses, sentences, and even other adverbs. It is easy to think of adverbs as words ending with -ly, but that is not always the case really. Now, look at the example sentences below in which adverbs (in bold) have described a verb – ate, and an adjective – dry.
The dog ate quickly.
The grass had become very dry.
On the other hand, you could choose not to use adverbs and use a suitable verb. Instead of ‘ate quickly‘ you could have ‘gobbled,‘ and instead of ‘very dry‘ you could have ‘brittle.’
Nyaudzosingwi could be used to achieve the same outcome as that from the use of adverbs. Taking the two examples above, in ChiShona we could use nyaudzosingwi as follows:
Imbwa yakangoti kabu kabu.
Uswa hwakanga hwati shwangu.
Each nyaudzosingwi has replaced both the verb/ adjective and the adverb.
You could also choose not to use nyaudzosingwi, and just use a suitable verb; ‘kabura‘ instead of kabu kabu, and ‘shwanguka‘ instead of ‘shwangu.‘
Verbs and nyaudzosingwi
For this post I will look at verbs and nyaudzosingwi. And now that you have some background, take a look at the following list of verbs and some nyaudzosingwi for each. The table is organised as follows.
verb | CHIITO |
nyaudzosingwi (explanation in English) Chirevo chine nyaudzosingwi. |
List of verbs and nyaudzosingwi
1. adhere | NAMATIRA |
namata (adhere strongly) Wotoshandisa guruu rakasimba kuti mapepa acho anyatsoti namata. | |
2. appear suddenly | DZUMBUNUKA |
dzumbunu (appear suddenly) Murairidzi akangoerekana ati mukirasi dzumbunu. | |
3. applaud (and cheer) | KUWERERA |
kuwerere (applaud loudly) Tose kuwerere! Nhasi timu yedu yahwinha! | |
4. apply carelessly | PUKUSHIRA |
pukushu pukushu (apply carelessly) Mafuta akangonzi pukushu pukushu. | |
5. approach stealthily | NYANGIRA |
nyangi nyangi (approach stealthily) Hatina kumunzwa achisvika nokuti akangoti nyangi nyangi. | |
6. arrive | SVIKA |
pfacha (arrive suddenly) Akangoerekana ati pfacha pamusha, vanhu vagere zvavo. | |
7. beat | |
… beat lightly | SVABURA |
svabu (beat lightly) Amai vakamuti svabu nekashamhu mushure mokunge aita musikanzwa. | |
… beat severely | ZVAMBURA |
zvambu (beat severely) Akanzi zvambu nezishamhu akadura zvese zvakanga zvaitika. | |
8. bend | KOTAMA |
kota kota (bend over continuously (e.g. when hoeing)) Kota kota mubanimo. | |
9. bite (take small bite) | NYENYURA |
nyenyu (take a small bite) Akangoti pichisi nyenyu ndokuripotsera uko. | |
10. blink | BOIRA |
boi boi (blink shamefacedly) Akanga ongoti maziso boi boi. | |
11. blow | |
… blow away | PEPEREKA |
peperere (blow away) Mashizha aiti peperere nekuda kwekamhepo kaifura. | |
… blow gently | FEFETA |
fe-e (blow gently, steadily) Kamhepo kaiti fe-e, kachinzwika kutonhorera kumeso. | |
12. bounce | DHABHUKA |
dhabhu (bounce slowly, but high) Bhora rakasvikonoti dhabhu. | |
13. break | |
… break off a piece | NEPFURA |
nepfu (break easily) Akati chimedu chekeke nepfu achiratidza kunakirwa zvikuru. | |
… break with a snap | TYOKA |
ngotyo (break with a snap) Gumbo recheya rakati ngotyo Chenai ndokudonhera pasi. |
The example I used on 8 is a Shona riddle. You can click here (riddle 25) to see what it means.
On 13, the words bring out different forms of ‘break.’ Nepfura is transitive (requires an object to receive the action). The intranstive form of is nepfuka. On the other hand, tyoka is intransitive, and the transitive form is tyora. In addition, there are many nyaudzosingwi for ‘break’ as there are many verbs. You can take a look at some of these here.
14. breathe heavily | HATAIKA |
hata hata (breathe heavily) Achingonzwa zvakanga zvaitika akati hata hata nehasha. | |
15. burn fiercely | RIRIMA |
ririri (burn fiercely) Mazirimi emwoto akati ririri nesango. | |
16. chew noisily | CHANYURA |
chanyau chanyau (chew noisily) Waingonzwa chanyau chanyau, chiri chimwana chaidya manhuchu. | |
17. clap | |
… clap hands repeatedly | KWAKWADZA |
kwa kwa kwa (clap as done by men) Kwa kwa kwa, makurukota akauchira achikwazisa Tambaoga . | |
… clap cupped hands | BUBUDZA |
bu bu bu (clap as done by women) Amai vakatenda mwana wavo, bu bu bu, “maita basa Chirandu.” | |
18. climb | KWIRA |
kanyan’anya (climb up quickly) Mbada yakati muti kanyan’anya. | |
19. cover | TIBIKA |
tiba (cover suddenly) Akanyangira kambwa nekumashure ndokunokati nejira tiba. | |
20. crack | TSEMUKA |
tsetserere (crack extensively) Chiringiriro chakati nepakati tsetserere. | |
21. crawl/ come out (long thing) | ZVAZVANUKA |
zvazvanu (crawl out like a long thing does) Zigarwe rakati zvazvanu richibuda munyanza. | |
22. crouch | HWATATA |
hwata (crouch quickly) Mbada yakati hwata ichigadzirira kusvarukira mhembwe yaiva seri kwechikwenzi. | |
23. depart | |
… depart quickly | HUTUKA |
hutu (depart quickly) Shungu akangosimudza bhegi rake ndiye hutu. | |
… depart unobtrusively | NYERUKA |
nyeru (depart unobtrusively) Akangoti nyeru vanhu vakavarairwa. | |
24. descend | BURUKA |
buru buru (descend quickly) Kwakatanga kunaya ari pamusoro pemba, iye ndokubva angoti nemanera buru buru. | |
25. describe (fully) | DONONGODZA |
donongo (describe fully) Musikana akamira pamberi pedare ndokuti donongo mamirire ainge akaita nzvimbo yakaitikira tsaona. | |
26. desire | DOKWAIRA |
dokwa dokwa (desire strongly) Mujubheki akanga ava nemakore asina kuenda kumusha. Aiti kungokufunga chete, mwoyo woti dokwa dokwa. | |
27. dig vigorously | KADABURA |
kadabu (vigorously) Muvaki aichera akasimudza piki ndokunoti pasi kadabu. | |
28. disarrange | BVANGANYURA |
bvandanyu (disarrange roughly) Zvose zvaingonzi bvandanyu, Shungu achitsvaga mari yake. | |
29. do | ITA |
si (do habitually) Maria anoti si netsika yake yekumhanya mangwanani oga oga. | |
chichi (do intensely) Kana afunga zvake kuita basa anoti naro chichi. | |
30. dress | PFEKA |
popopo (dress smartly) Shungu akasvika pamuchato akati popopo. | |
31. drink | |
… drink noisily | GABIDIDZA |
gabidi gabidi (drink noisily) Waingonzwa gabidi gabidi, pfuko iri pamuromo. | |
… drink quickly | GWAKWAIDZA |
gwakwai (drink quickly) Akasimudza chipfuko, doro rose ndokunzi gwakwai. | |
… drink (up) completely | KWEKWETA |
kwekwetu (drink (up) completely) VaPfocho vakagadzika chipfuko pasi mushure mokunge doro rose variti kwekwetu. | |
… drink by taking a small mouthful | DZVUTA |
dzvutu (drink by taking a small mouthful) “Harisi kunaka here, iro ramangoti dzvutu muchibva maisa pfuko pasi?” vakadaro VaGogoti kuna VaPfocho. | |
32. drip | DONHA |
do do do (drip continuously) Mvura yakaswera ichingoti do do do kubva papombi yakanga isina kusungwa zvakasimba. | |
33. eat | |
… eat greedily | DZAURA |
dzau (eat greedily) Imbwa yakakandirwa bhonzo ndokuriti dzau. | |
… eat hungrily | KACHAURA |
kacha (eat hungrily) Mwana akanga anzwa nenzara. Akasvikogara pasi ndokuti ranjisi kacha. | |
… eat quickly | KABIRA |
kabu kabu (eat quickly) Anogoti kabu kabu kunge munhu ava negore asina kudya seiko? | |
… eat up completely | PEPETURA |
pepetu (eat up completely) Sadza rako ranga richinaka fani; ranzi rose pepetu. | |
34. enter | PINDA |
kwede (enter easily) Bhutsu dzakati kurei ndidzo dzitsvene. Tsoka inongonoti kwede. | |
tititi (enter gently) Akazarura gonhi zvinyoronyoro achinoti tititi mumba. | |
ngori (enter quickly) Kakonzo kakangoti ngori mumwena. | |
35. explain (fully) | DODORODZA |
dodoro (explain fully) Musikana akanyatsoti nyaya yake dodoro pamberi pedare. | |
36. fall (heavily and roll) | BHIDHIRIKA |
bhidhiri (fall heavily and roll) Muti uno mukuru wakarohwa nemheni ndokunoti bhidhiri pakati pemugwagwa. |

There are many nyaudzosingwi for ‘fall’ as there are many verbs. You can take a look at these many forms here.
37. find unexpectedly | DUMBUNURA |
dumbunuru (find unexpectedly) Ndakazongoti dumbunuru bhutsu yandainge ndapedza mwedzi ndichitsvaga. | |
38. finish completely | TSVANGURA |
tsvangu (finish completely) Takazosara totemura mushure mokunge muriwo wose wanzi tsvangu. | |
39. fit loosely | NGURA-NGURA |
nguru nguru (fit loosely) Badza racho raingoti nguru nguru ndichisakura. | |
40. flash | N’AIKA |
n’a dzi n’a dzi (flash intermittently) Tochi yaiti n’a dzi n’a dzi imo murima. | |
41. flavour excessively | CHIKIDIDZA |
chikidi (flavour excessively) Munyu wakanzi chikidi mumuriwo. | |
42. flow noisily | KOPOTA |
kopo kopo (flow noisily) Rwizi rwakanga rwakazara, mvura ichiti kopo kopo. | |
43. follow in succession | PITIPIDZA |
pitipiti (follow in succession) Mombe dzakati pitipiti kupinda mudanga. | |
44. get up | |
… get up quickly | WASHUKA |
washu (get up quickly) Chenai angoti washu achibva atiza. | |
… get up weakly | TARATADZUKA |
taratadzu (get up weakly) Shingai akazosara oti taratadzu mbavha dzainge dzamurova dzatotiza. | |
45. glance shyly | DZVAZURA |
dzvau (glance shyly) Ndakabva ndamuti dzvau ndichisekerera. | |
46. glare angrily | DZVOKORA |
dzvoko (glare angrily) Akamuti dzvoko akavhurisa maziso nehasha. | |
47. go | ENDA |
nyn’a (go away and never return) Akabva azongoti nyn’a vasina kupedzerana. | |
… go out quickly | DHUGUKA |
dhu (go out quickly) Chenai angoti mumota dhugu achibva atiza. | |
48. grip firmly | MBANDIDZA |
mbandi (grip firmly) Mukomana akanga oda kutiza ndokubva anzi ruoko mbandi. |
Dzvazura and dzvokora are both verbs for ‘tarisa,’ in the same way ‘glance’ and ‘glare’ are related to the verb ‘look.’
49. hang – head (sadly) | SURUDUDIKA |
surududu (hang head to show sadness) VaKufakunesu vakanga vogara vakati musoro surududu. | |
50. happen | ITIKA |
divi (happen unexpectedly) Mvura yakangoti divi zvokuti akashaya mukana wekubvisa hembe pawaya. | |
51. hold | BATA |
dzvi (hold firmly) Shungu akanga oda kusimuka ndokubva anzi ruoko dzvi naamai vake vainge vagere pedo naye. | |
kwirivindi (hold by wrapping arms around) Akanga akanzi kwirivindi zvokuti akashaya kuti otiza sei. | |
52. jab painfully | NJODOGORA |
njodogo (jab painfully) Akanzi njodogo pachipfuva. | |
53. jump back | FETUKA |
fetu (jump back) Aifambisa, ndokungoerekana ati fetu. | |
54. kick backwards | PAGAMURA |
pagamu (kick backwards) Nhunzvi yehwai yakati gonhi pagamu richibva ravhurika. |

55. kneel (fall slowly to knees) | RWODODOKA |
rwododo (fall slowly to one’s knees) Akadzadzarika ndokusvikonoti rwododo. | |
56. land | DONHERA |
ja (land heavily) Vakakanda saga rechibage rikasvikonoti ja pamusoro pemamwe. | |
57. laugh | |
… laugh sillily | PFIPFIDZA |
pfi pfi (laugh sillily) Tusikana twaingoti pfi pfi tuchizevezera. | |
… laugh heartily | GWIBUKA |
gwibu (laugh heartily) Akangomutarisa ndokubva ati gwibu zvake. | |
58. leave suddenly | SHAPURA |
shapu (leave suddenly) Akangoti shapu asina kumbotaura nemunhu. | |
59. listen intently | TETEKERA |
bengwa (listen intently) Akambomira kufamba ndokuti bengwa. | |
60. miss | KWASVA |
kwasve (miss narrowly) Bhora rakanoti gedhe kwasve. | |
61. move | |
… move apart | TARAMUKA |
taramu (move apart) Itii taramu murege kuungana pano. | |
… move jerkily | ZENGUKA |
zengu zengu (move jerkily) Mugwagwa wacho une makomba makomba, saka ngoro yanga ichingoti zengu zengu chibage chichirasikira mumugwagwa. | |
… move laboriously | KARAKATIKA |
karakata (move laboriously) Kakomana kaiti karakata kachizvuva zisaga rechibage. | |
… move quietly | VERERA |
verere (move quietly) Sekai achiona Simon, mukomana waakanga aramba zuro wacho, akabva ati verere achibva pamabiko. | |
… move slowly | NANAIRA |
nanai nanai (move slowly) Amai vakazvitakura vaifamba zvavo vachiti nanai nanai chindumurwa chavo chichitevera mumashure. |
There are many English verbs that relate to motion. Nyaudzosingwi will help tell apart things such as a swift move from a slow move, and a smooth move from a jerky one. But then again, there are just as many ChiShona verbs!
62. penetrate deeply | TIPITIRA |
tipi tipi (penetrate deeply) Munzwa wakati tipi tipi muzigunwe rake. | |
63. pinch lightly and painfully | NDWIDZA |
ndwi (pinch lightly and painfully) Zipi yakamuti ndwi kumusana. | |
64. pour out small amount | TSVOTIDZA |
tsvoti (pour out small amount) Akatora mukaka ndokuti tsvoti mutii yake. | |
65. probe roughly | NJODOGORA |
njodogo (probe roughly) Akati njodogo mumwena netsvimbo. | |
66. put down | GADZIKA |
ji (put down heavily) Akatora bhokisi ndokuriti ji patafura. | |
… put down quickly | TSVETA |
tsve (put down quickly) Ndangosvikoti foni yake tsve patafura. | |
67. rain | NAYA |
wa wa wa (rain lightly) Mvura yakangoti wa wa wa ichibva yamira. | |
kaka kaka (start to rain heavily) Mvura yakati kaka kaka vanhu vaiva panze ndokumhanyira mumba. | |
68. react angrily | JENYURA |
jenyu (react angrily) Paakanzwa mhinduro yangu akati jenyu achisimuka ndokuenda. | |
69. rejoice intenselyy | FARUKA |
faru (rejoice intensely) Amai vakati faru vatambira shoko rekuzvarwa kwemuzukuru wavo. | |
70. remove | |
… remove article of clothing | KATANURA |
katanu(remove article of clothing) Akati bhachi katanu. | |
… remove forcefully | KWACHURA |
kwachu (remove forcefully) Akabata mapeji ose mubhuku ndokuati kwachu. | |
wau (remove violently (as wind does)) Denga remba rakanzi wawu nemhepo yaivhuvhuta zvine simba. | |
71. rise | |
… rise and go (many) | DZVAMUKA |
dzvamu (rise and go (many)) Vanhu vose vakabva vangoti dzvamu mushure memusangano. | |
… rise and stand slowly | MARAMANYIKA |
maramanya (rise and stand slowly) Akaona vanhu vose vamutarisa ndokubva ati maramanya. | |
… rise quickly and vigorously (from lying position) | KWARAKWASHUKA |
kwarakwashu (rise quickly and vigorously (from lying position)) Akaona imbwa ichimhanya yakamunanga ndiye kwarakwashu achibva atiza. |
The many nyaudzosingwi for ‘rise’ speak to different ways, or different things. For instance, rising from sitting, rising smoke, and rising from sleep.
72. roll | |
… roll on back in dusty ground | BVUMBURUKA |
bvumburu (roll on back in dusty ground) Akadonha kubva pabhasikoro ndokunoti bvumburu. | |
… roll on ground, heavy resounding object | BHIDHIRIKA |
bhidhiri bhidhiri (roll on ground, heavy resounding object) Danda rakadonhera pasi ndokusvikonoti bhidhiri bhidhiri. | |
73. run | MHANYA |
puka puka (run here and there, in search) Amai vakanga vongoti puka puka vakabata musoro. | |
si (run after) Imbwa yakati katsi si. | |
wiririri (run fast) Imbwa yakabvuta nyama ndokuti wiririri. | |
74. scratch | |
… scratch deeply | GWABVURA |
gwabvu (scratch deeply) Aikwenya dumbu achiita zvekuti gwabvu. | |
… scratch extensively with paws | MWARAURA |
mwarau (scratch extensively with paws) Katsi yakamuti kumeso mwarau. | |
75. scream shrilly | NJIRIRIKA |
njiriri (scream shrilly) Kamwana kakati njiriri kachitamba zvako. | |
76. shine | |
bhanan’ana (shine clearly) Zuva rakanga rakati bhanan’ana. | |
… shine brightly | JENEN’EKA |
jenen’ene (shine brightly) Zuva raiti jenen’ene. | |
77. shout (especially in distress) | BONGOMORA |
bongomo (shout (especially in distress)) Mudzimai akati mhere bongomo. | |
78. sit | GARA |
bwerekeshe (sit down on ground, ponderously and ungracefully) Zigadzi rakasvikoti pasi bwerekeshe. | |
bamakata (sit down quietly, shyly) Akapinda ndokunoti bamakata pamberi pevanhu vese. | |
pwasha (sit doing nothing) Akanga akangoti pwesha pamumvuri vamwe vachisakura. | |
susuva (sit sorrowfully) Vakanga vari panze vakati susuva zvatakasvika tichibata maoko. |
You will notice that the nyaudzosingwi for ‘sit’ do not only relate to the way in which one sits down, but also to one’s state while they are seated.
‘Gara‘ is an interesting type of verb; the action continues yet the act has been completed. As a result, for verbs of this nature the Shona forms of the simple non-recent past and present progressive tenses are the same. For example, ‘I sat’ is ‘Ndakagara,’ which is also what you would again use for ‘I am sitting’ .
For other verbs, those two sentences would not be similar. For example, ‘I ate’ is ‘Ndakadya.’ while ‘I am eating’ is ‘Ndiri kudya.’
Because of these differences, it is not unusual to hear a Shona language learner say ‘Ndiri kugara.’ (which is incorrect), instead of ‘Ndakagara.’
79. slap | ROVA |
ta (slap lightly) Akangonzi ta padama ndokubva aridza mhere. | |
… slap hard | DZEMURA |
dzemu (slap hard) Akanzi zimbama dzemu. | |
80. sleep deeply | PFODORA |
pfodo (sleep soundly) Akati hope pfodo masikati machena. | |
81. smile | |
… smile slightly | NYEKURA |
nyeku (smile slightly) Akangoti nyeku ndokubva atarisa pasi. | |
… smile toothlessly | VENYUKA |
venyu (smile toothlessly) Kamwana kacheche kakati venyu kakanditarisa. | |
82. speak | |
… speak confusedly | NZANZATA |
nzanza (speak confusedly) Aingoti nzanza zvekuti tose takafunga kuti aiva nemhosva. | |
… speak figuratively | DIMIKA |
dimi (speak figuratively) Akati dimi tikashaya kuti vairevei. | |
… say (something) aloud | BUFURA |
bufu (say (something) aloud) Ndaitya zvekuti handina kana kuti bufu. | |
83. spread (fire) | HAVAIRA |
hava (spread (fire)) Moto wakati hava nesango. | |
84. stab | BAYA |
bayu (stab quickly) Mbavha yakangomuti bayu padumbu ndokubvuta bhegi rake. | |
bwa (stab strongly) Akatora banga ndokunoti saga bwa neshungu. | |
… stab deeply | TUBVURA |
tubvu (stab deeply) Akasimudza pfumo ndokunoti naro tubvu padumbu pemhembwe. | |
85. stand | MIRA |
ndingwi (stand stiffly) Mapurisa akaramba akati ndingwi, mutangamiriri wenyika achipfuura nepamberi pavo. | |
… stand in unmannerly way | MIRIZIKA |
mirizizi (stand in unmannerly way) ‘Vana vakatinyadzisa nekungoti mirizizi pamberi pevaenzi. | |
… stand weakly | RATYAMARA |
ratyama (stand weakly) Kamhuru kainge kachangozvarwa kakanga kakati ratyama, kachiita sekachapunzika. | |
86. stand up | SIMUKA |
nyamu (stand up quickly) Agara pachigaro asina kuona zvipikiri zvakarovererwapo; angoti nyamu pakarepo. | |
kwanyanu (stand up slowly) Chembere yakati kwanyanu, ichiratidza kuti yairwadziwa zvikuru. | |
87. stare angrily | DZVOKORA |
dzvoko (stare angrily) Akanga akanzi dzvoko zvokuti haana kukwanisa kuzotaura zvaaida.+- | |
88. strike (heavily with open hand) | BHAMADZA |
bhama (strike heavily with open hand) Akanzi kumusana bhama, achibva anowira pasi. | |
89. sway | VHEYA |
vhe-e-vhe-e (sway backwards and forwards) Kamwana kakati vhe-e vhe-e kari pamuzerere. | |
90. suck noisily | KWEKWETA |
kwekwetu (suck noisily) VaPfocho vakabata mukombe vachibva vati doro kwekwetu. | |
91. swallow audibly | KUDYURA |
kudyu(swallow audibly) Ndakakanda chimusuva chesadza mukanwa ndokubva ndangochiti kudyu. | |
92. swell | |
… swell quickly | TUTURUKA |
tu tu tu zai (swell quickly) Ndarumwa pamuromo uchibva wangoti tu tu tu zai, pakarepo. | |
… swell visibly | FUTUNUKA |
futunu (swell visibly) Miromo yake yakanga yakati futunu. | |
93. talk | |
… talk quickly/ a great deal | ROPORA |
ropo (talk quickly) Tose takaramba takamutarisa achingoti ropo. | |
… talk carelessly | BVOTOMOKA |
bvoto (talk without thinking) Maidei akabva ati zvese bvoto, amai vake vakashaya pekupinda nenyadzi. | |
… talk nonsesne | PWESHUKA |
pwetere pwetere (talk nonsense) Hapana aimbomuteerera achingoti pwetere pwetere. | |
94. think | FUNGA |
kutu kutu (think deeply) Akati kutu kutu kufunga agere zvake chinyararire mumumvuri weberevere remba. | |
95. uncover | FUGURA |
fugu (uncover quickly) Simon akabata jira ndokuriti kamwechete fugu, apa hana ichirova zvakasimba. | |
96. vomit | RUTSA |
ho (vomit noisily) Akangoti achipedza kumedza, ndiye pakarepo ho kurutsa. | |
… vomit suddenly | BUKURA |
buku (vomit suddenly) Akati buku agere, marutsi achibva anoti patya pabhuku raiva pagumbo. | |
97. wake up | |
… wake up suddenly | PARAPATIKA |
parapata (wake up suddenly) Paakatema imbwa yaiva ivete, yakabva yati parapata, simu, ichibva yatiza. | |
98. walk | |
… walk slowly, tiredly | GWEDAIRA |
gweda gweda (walk slowly, tiredly) Zigadzi rakanga rongoti gweda gweda, rodzokera kumba, badza riri pafudzi. | |
… walk gently | NYAVAIRA |
nyava nyava (walk gently) Wotoita zvekuti nyava nyava uchipinda mubhedhuru, nokuti mune mwana avete. | |
… walk briskly | PIKUKA |
piku piku (walk briskly) Mukoti akati piku piku achienda kunobatsira murwere akanga achangopinda mukiriniki. | |
99. work | SHANDA |
rengwende rengwende (work half-heartedly) Sakuro haraifamba naivo vakomana vaingoti rengwende rengwende. | |
100. wrestle | KIKIRIKA |
kikiri kikiri (wrestle strenously) Varume vaviri vakabatana huro ndokuti kikiri kikiri. | |
101. wrinkle | FENENYEDZA |
fenenya (wrinkle disdainfully) Vakaramba vakamutarisa, apa kumeso kwakanzi fenenya. |
I really hope this goes a long way in helping you with understanding nyaudzosingwi, and ultimately expressing yourself better!
The analyses on grammar, and examples used, are based on my understanding. They are given in no professional or expert capacity. Ideophones were sourced from Hannan S.J, Standard Shona Dictionary (Revised Edition, College Press). Illustration of sheep knocking down door is by Jesse Breytenbach, and was published under a CC BY 4.0 license on StoryWeaver.
Excellent job. This was a lesson I so needed.I will pass it on to my 2 generations.
Hi Tendayi,
Thank you for the positive feedback. I’m glad you found this useful!
Thank you God bless you can l have list of madimikira at least 1 to 50
Hi Tinashe,
Hope you found the below blog posts on madimikira.
Madimikira| 28 idioms from the 1968 novel ‘Tambaoga Mwanangu’
Madimikira| 20 idioms from the 1981 novel ‘China manenji hachifambisi’
Thanks for checking out ZimbOriginal.